Unemployment Analysis
for Qatar

The Unemployment Rate in Qatar

The situation of unemployment from 1991 to 2021 in Qatar is presented in figure 8.

It is observed in the figure mentioned below that the rate of unemployment is less than 1 over time. The rate of unemployment exhibited a slowly increasing trend from 1991 till 2006.

After 2016 the rate of unemployment declined drastically and reached the minimum of 0.31 percent in 2008-2009.

It again stated increasing and reached 0.56 percent in 2011.

From 2011 it declined sharply and reached 0.10 percent in 2019. COVID-19 pandemic also adversely hit the economy of Qatar and the unemployment rate again started increasing.  


Source: World bank


The Natural Rate of Unemployment in Qatar

The situation of unemployment from 1991 to 2021 in Qatar is presented in figure 11.

It is observed in the figure mentioned below that the rate of unemployment is less than 1 percent over the given period.

A sharp decline in the natural rate of unemployment in Qatar after 2006 can be attributed to the changes in labour market conditions induced by the real estate sector which resulted in substantial growth in GDP. 


Source: Author’s estimation